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Sydney_Iron 11:37 Fri Nov 10
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
Do fuck off Ray with your Daily Mail bollocks.......It would be the Express!

Inflammatory rhetoric is it. Tell me which point hasn't been reported in the MSM?

Now pop off and get the Yasser Arafat scarf ready, will you be marching with the rabble on Remembrance Day or showing some respect for those who died in the world wars?

Darlo Debs 11:43 Fri Nov 10
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
Well good chance they'd have said it then unless my nan said it in Yiddish.

TM me personally?....you know how to make a girl.paranoid.

Takashi Miike 11:46 Fri Nov 10
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!

ray winstone 12:01 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
Sydney, there were 10,000 police at the Queens funeral to ‘stop any trouble’, I don’t remember you wetting your Tenapants about that.
There have been police guarding the Cenotaph before Remembrance Sunday ever since Gilmours son made a cunt of himself a few years back, it’s really nothing new but you can have a good cry about it if you wish.

BRANDED 12:03 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
Football lads will sort this out innit?

goose 12:24 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
Is big frank showing up?

Sydney_Iron 2:25 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
Not sure what your point is Ray? Police attend all kind of events, football matches even, they have even been known to patrol the streets!

This March/protest for the Palestinians should never have been allowed to go ahead on Remembrance Day, but I'm sure the Met will come down hard on any counter protest or people out to show respect for those who died.

I'm by no means crying just think it's a sad state of affairs all round and anyone who criticizes or questions this "right to protest" on such a day is somehow a right-wing crank.

Surely the protester could have a weekend off singing from the river to the sea etc, many of whom are middle class Britons who probably lost relatives during the world wars.

Iron Duke 2:54 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
It’s like a warzone in London. 100 year old war veterans are being beaten up for selling poppies. Police are everywhere. I got told to put my poppy away.

It’s best you stay away from the country.


Sydney_Iron 3:11 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
Iron Duke 2:54 Sat Nov 11

Thanks for the heads up, really appreciate that! Your right im never coming back after reading your post.

Similarly, if you ever think about visiting Oz, DONT, you're liable to get bitten by a snake or spider as soon as you step off the plane, and defiantly don't go swimming if the crocs don't get you the sharks will, assuming you dont get stung by the jellyfish.

Come On You Irons 3:17 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
"As a proud Englishman living abroad im shocked..."


You chose to emigrate from the UK and immigrate to another state. What a patriot you are!

Sydney_Iron 3:21 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!

Choosing to live and work in another country means i can't be proud to be English is that correct?

Just curious how this works! Please explain.

westhammerer 3:23 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
“The second is a reported assault on a poppy stall seller whilst a demonstration was taking place at the station. Detectives have extensively monitored CCTV and spoken with key identified witnesses. There is insufficient evidence to take the investigation further at his time.

“We have no reason to believe that poppy sellers are at any risk or being intentionally targeted.”


Come On You Irons 3:25 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
It means you lost your right to whine and bitch about what MIGHT be going on in the UK from what you see and read from afar when you chose to leave it.

As someone else pointed out earlier on this thread, Remembrance Day will be observed on Sunday in the same way it has been for the past hundred odd years.

Get a grip man, and stop falling tooth and nail for media propaganda.

Alfs 3:31 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
It's the perfect day for this protest. Armistice comes from the Latin for 'No War'.

Sydney_Iron 3:38 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
"lost your right"

Bwahahahahahahaha best i never set foot in the UK again, i may get arrested for breaching this imaginary rule you speak of.

Best i stay here earning a "six figure salary" than risk being slung in clink if i set foot in the UK know ive been rumbled.

Come On You Irons 3:53 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
You spout faux outrage based on what you have seen and read in the media from, presumably, thousands of miles from London. You would have no way of independently knowing what is occurring in London as you chose to emigrate to another country.

I will be at the Cenotaph on Sunday remembering our fallen. You won't.

Sydney_Iron 4:02 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
"I will be at the Cenotaph on Sunday remembering our fallen. You won't"

No i wont but does not mean it means any less to me than you, lost far too many of my family in those wars and still remember hearing the story's told by my grandmother through her tears of the brothers she would never see return from the war.

Fair play and respect to you for going and paying your respects, you can fuck off with the rest of your bilge though.

Manuel 4:30 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
Millions of people down the years have left the UK for hundreds of different reasons, hell, even some of the Royal Family have left, some go back, some don't, so it's hardly anything strange or ''wrong''. That said, ''a proud Englishman abroad'' does come over as a bit of a contradiction. I rarely, if ever, comment on any situation in the UK on here, as in a way I do feel that I have lost my right to do so, as I chose to leave, so I do agree with COYI to an extent. You can't have your cake and eat it, etc.

Sydney - How many times down the years on here have
you ended a post with UK, dogs, etc? It must be way over a hundred, so one would have to wonder why so much interest still after leaving, what over 20 years ago? Maybe you are still trying to justify to yourself that you made the right decision, and that's not to say you didn't either.

Sydney_Iron 4:43 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!

Im proud to be English, proud of where i come from etc, not sure that means i have lost the right to cunt the place off or praise it for that matter either! Or why its a contradiction in any way.

Would i go back, probably not, do i regret leaving in any way, No as well, do i still have an interest in what's going on in the UK and Politics etc, yes.

You could make the same argument about supporting West Ham, being an expat and not going to games doesn't make you any less a fan or lesser supporter does it, well in my book it doesn't.

So, i will have my cake and eat it, but each to their own (opinion on that) i suppose.

Manuel 5:30 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
Sydney - Erh, I think we are all proud to be English and proud of where we come from, that's not gonna cut it.

Bottom line is you walked away, fair enough, like I said there's millions of expats, but you no longer contribute to UK society in any shape or form and any decisions by the government, or the like, do not effect you or your way of life in any way, so yes IMO that does give you less right to be judge and jury and opinionated. To leave somewhere and then look down your nose at the place from afar is a bit snooty imo.

Mike Oxsaw 6:35 Sat Nov 11
Re: Remembrance day, WTF!
If you have a UK state pension that is taxed (at source), how is that not contributing to UK society?

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